Monday, December 15, 2008

Tis the Season

The Holidays are here! I have finally finished my shopping. I think I finish later and later each year!! Next I guess is christmas baking! The girls are growing like weeds. Kynsi is now on cereal and loves it!!!! Kelsi is trying to figure out the whole Santa thing. She is understanding Christmas. Its fun to continue the traditions and think of new ones with my family!!
I had my surgery on my sunspot Friday. It did come back as Melanoma. Thankfully it was at the beginning of stage 1 so for insurance reasons they are able to diagnosis it as pre melanoma. How nice of them!!! I have a 2inch long scar now as a reminder for sunscreen and skin screenings for myself and daughters!!!


Michelle said...

Wow that is scary. Especially from us old lifeguards! I saw Kelsi and Kynsi's pictures in the paper! So cute! Hope you have a great Christmas!

Jina said...

GOd's watching out for you girl. Glad you caught it early. The girls are so cute.

Rachel said...

Glad everything turned out okay!