Thursday, November 6, 2008

Doctors or Receptionists?

I have been fretting since Monday on a pathology report I got a call on. Over a week ago I went to the Dermatologist in Sioux Falls for a check up on some sun spots and moles. During my pregnancy with Kynsi some looked like they were getting darker and with my family hx of melanoma I went in to get checked. One spot was removed and Dr seems optimistic till the report came back. The nurse quoted over the phone " exceptionally abnormal change" She said nothing was said about melanoma but she wouldn't be surprised. OK-not so comforting. They need to take out more tissue around the site and do testing. Well the next appt isn't till Dec 12 and I wanted to get in sooner with the holidays. She was going to talk with Dr and she agreed with the report that I shouldn't wait till December. I will receive a call back very soon on the new date. Well it's Thursday evening and I have left 2 messages with the receptionist. So....has my Dr received the messages or have they been misplaced. Sooooo fusturating. The thing is I am sure its fine I just want to get past it.


Tifanie said...

They both can be very frustrating. Hang in there. I will be thinking and praying for you that everything turns out good. Keep us posted.

Jenny said...

Keep calling until you get what you need. The older I get the more I understand that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease." And sometimes pt's have to demand timliness from their MD's......You deserve it. It can be so frustrating!!!

Jina said...

Hope it all turns out ok and I too agree with Jenny keep calling! Look forward to hearing the good updates. And since when do receptionist call with abnormal results????

Jina said...

just wondering how everything is going.