Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's a Girl!!!!

Thank Goodness Jeff and I don't gamble because we both would have lost bets with this pregnancy. I thought forsure we would be induced and Jeff was positive this one was a boy, well Sunday 7/27 I started having contractions around 4:30pm. At 7:30 we decided to go in. Unfort. I was only 2cm but with my regular cx's and baby measuring big I was able to stay!!!!! My dr. broke my water around 11:30 started pitocin at 2:30 and was finally complete at 5:30am. Miss Kynsi graced us at 6:38am with the darkest hair and complexion. What a doll!!! She weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. So I was thankful we went 2 weeks early!!! Kelsi is handling it well. When we got home from the hospital she asked if she could hit baby Kynsi!!! I guess she did ask and didn't just hit her!! But she is adjusting well.


Michelle said...

Congratulations! I love the name and she looks beautiful and healthy! I'm sure Kelsi will be a GREAT older sister!

Jenny said...

Congrats to you all!!! She is beautiful!

Jina said...

Congratulations!! She is so precious! I am very happy for you! So it begins...sisterly love already :)