Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby Soon?

I don't remember being this ready to be done with pregnancy when I was pregnant with Kelsi. I am 38 wks and count every cx hoping and praying they con't. I had a Drs appt today. I am 100 effaced but only 1 cm dilated!!!! The baby's head actually moved up not down! Lets say I was not too excited. My dr did strip my membranes and if that doesn't work we will be induced next week thank goodness. I am just so worried I have such a big baby and that's why the head won't descend into the pelvis. I guess time will tell! My blood pressure is staying under wraps. Working with nurses I think my blood pressure is taken at least 3 times a shift so its monitored closely. I am down to 8hr shifts which is helping.

1 comment:

Tifanie said...

I am hoping for your sake that this will be all over very soon. Really a week isn't too long but when you are 38 weeks prego it seems like eternity. I wish you the best in the next week and can't wait to meet the newest member of your adorable family. Tifanie