Friday, July 25, 2008

Watering the Garden

Kelsi and I came home from the pool and were watering our garden (since rain isn't too popular these days.) Kelsi thought it would be great to run through the sprinkler in the middle of our sweet corn! I thought it was hilarous!

Oh, I caught a cute picture of her taking her nap. About a minute before this she told me she was talking to her Grandpa Randy. She must have been tired!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby Soon?

I don't remember being this ready to be done with pregnancy when I was pregnant with Kelsi. I am 38 wks and count every cx hoping and praying they con't. I had a Drs appt today. I am 100 effaced but only 1 cm dilated!!!! The baby's head actually moved up not down! Lets say I was not too excited. My dr did strip my membranes and if that doesn't work we will be induced next week thank goodness. I am just so worried I have such a big baby and that's why the head won't descend into the pelvis. I guess time will tell! My blood pressure is staying under wraps. Working with nurses I think my blood pressure is taken at least 3 times a shift so its monitored closely. I am down to 8hr shifts which is helping.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4rth!!

Happy Fourth!! I hope everyone had a great and safe time!! We were blessed with such nice weekend! My parents came over the night of the fourth for a fire and fireworks. Auntie Crystal was home so Kelsi was quite excited. We had friends over saturday night. Kelsi and her friend Ben had a great time on the four wheeler!! The weekend ended with running through the sprinkler!!
Update on the pregnancy. Last Tuesday I had a Dr. Appt. Thought everything was going great however my weight gain had increase considerable for me in 2 weeks and my blood pressure was 140/93. I usually run very low blood pressure. My dr checked me right away. I am closed, thick, and high, (no sign of pending labor) and sent me to the hospital for further testing. The baby looked great for the non-stress test. My blood pressure went back down, my labs were normal, and they did an ultrasound of the baby. I wasn't quite 35 weeks but I measured 38 1/2 weeks!!!!! So she wanted to see how big this baby was. I find out on Tuesday. For now my blood pressure is reasonable and I am down to 8hr shifts instead of 12. We con't to pray for this little one to keep growing in me and stay healthy!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hott Fun!!!

We had a another great time at my Great-Uncle Waynes cabins the end of June with my parents, my sister, and my Grandma Donna. Fishing was great and the water temp wasn't too bad. Jeff and Kelsi were able to go tubing. Kelsi loved it till her and her daddy did a face dive into the water. Hopefully this weekend we can get her back on the tube!! Fishing was actually a surprising experience for Kelsi! Usually she is the typically girl not wanting to get too dirty. She wanted to hold the fish, give the fish kisses, and loved handing us our bait!! She had the luck of the weekend fishing. There was something about her and her Diego pole that the fish liked!!!