Thursday, August 20, 2009

What have we been doing?????

Our Baby turned ONE on July 28th. I can't believe it. She is such a little sunshine!! As you can tell from the pictures I have not cut her hair yet. I don't want to have to go through the growing out stage again!!! Ponytails, Ponytails!!!! She is a little peanut for her age, coming in at 19pounds on her birthday. She is running around the 20% for her height and weight. Who would of thought with her being 8pound 6oz at birth. She won't be ready for walking for awhile. Thank the lord!!! We are so blessed to have this little princess.
Since she was 2 months old, we have been dealing with plugged tear ducks. So, finally the beginning of July, she has surgery and it has worked so far!!!! She did very well under anesethia and was back to her normal self by the afternoon!!

Jeff's brother Eric got Married July 11. It was alot of fun. Kelsi did a wonderful job as Flower Girl!!!

Kelsi was the flower girl in Jeffs Brothers wedding in July!! She had soooo much fun!

Kelsi didn't mind being pampered that day!!!

All 4 of us at the Rehearsal Supper!! It was a long weekend but both girls were troopers!!!

Jeff and I spent 2 days, ALONE, at the cabin for our anniversary. The girls spent the time with my parents and then they all came to the cabin for the weekend. It turned rainy, but we still got some fishing in!

Kynsi having fun at the park in Alex!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Girls Picutres

The girls got their pictures done a couple weeks ago. The site is Click on Slideshows then Vanderplaats. The code is children2009.

It was alot of fun and the girls did great. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who's going to School??

Well, After much consideration this past year I decided to apply for nurse practitioner school at MSU mankato. This past week I was accepted!! YEA! I am totally excited and scared. It's been awhile since I have been in school mode. Jeff is excited, hopefully!!

The girls are wonderful! Pictures to come. Kynsi is growing like a weed and showing her personality. She has become very vocal the past few weeks. She is getting closer to crawling. You can tell she just wants to go when she is on her belly! Not yet!!!!! Kelsi has preschool screening on Friday!! I can't believe what a lady my little stinker has become!!

I have been busy with work and teaching clinicals. I have a great group of girls this semester. Jeff is busy with work and farm. We should be calving soon!!! And the fun begins I guess!!

Monday, February 9, 2009