Monday, August 11, 2008

Kelsi's Events

Not only has Kelsi been preoccupied with Kynsi being here she has just been busy bod everywhere else. The weekend Kynsi was born was Ableskiver weekend in Tyler. Baby olympics she loved however we learned Kelsi won't always follow her peers! During the running competion everyone started the race but Kelsi just looked at her daddy and said "no, I don't want too" We just laughed. She excelled at swimming lessons passing preschool aquatics again this year. I gues we will have to try level 1 next year. Maybe she will keep lifeguarding in the family (right Michelle and Jenny)!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kynsi Lou

It's a Girl!!!!

Thank Goodness Jeff and I don't gamble because we both would have lost bets with this pregnancy. I thought forsure we would be induced and Jeff was positive this one was a boy, well Sunday 7/27 I started having contractions around 4:30pm. At 7:30 we decided to go in. Unfort. I was only 2cm but with my regular cx's and baby measuring big I was able to stay!!!!! My dr. broke my water around 11:30 started pitocin at 2:30 and was finally complete at 5:30am. Miss Kynsi graced us at 6:38am with the darkest hair and complexion. What a doll!!! She weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. So I was thankful we went 2 weeks early!!! Kelsi is handling it well. When we got home from the hospital she asked if she could hit baby Kynsi!!! I guess she did ask and didn't just hit her!! But she is adjusting well.