Friday, December 14, 2007

Lazy Weekend

From the pictures you can see we had a fun lazy weekend. More christmas baking was done. Its amazing how a whole container of sprinkles on one cookie can still taste good to a two year old!!! We went to Santa days in Lake Benton on Saturday. Santa looks better on TV then in person I guess. Sitting on his lap was not one of Kelsi's most favorite things to do. With all the snow we have gotten she did experience snowmobiling, turned off in our driveway!! A couple more years Kelsi!!
This coming weekend consists of me working nights. Not near as fun as last weekend!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter Wonderland

We got our first measurable snow fall of the season on Saturday. We can't seem to keep Kelsi out of it. I think she eats more snow than anything. We were able teach here that yellow snow you can't eat. Hopefully she will listen! Out two kittens are not as fond of the snow as Kelsi is.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Here comes Santa Clause

Christmas is upon us! I just love this time of year. We put up our christmas tree. Kelsi is at that age where she wants to help and isn't quite understanding how Santa can come down the chimmney when the fire is so hot! Tonight we are bringing her to see Santa. I am not quite sure how well that will go.

Eve of Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!
The night before Thanksgiving, as I am suppose to be helping Jeff put post in for our future cows, I was able to catch this beautiful sunset from our yard. It made me think on how blessed I am. I love this holiday, many more reasons than food! This year we were able to celebrate Kelsi's birthday on Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, too!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Kelsi's Birthday Party!!

Kelsi had her 2nd birthday party this past weekend. I can't believe she will be 2 on Thanksgiving!!! It was nice to have both sides to our house and have room for everyone! Kelsi is having fun with her kitchen set and dolls. I don't know what I would do if I had a boy. Shopping would sure be different!! I attempted a pumpkin cake, if you couldn't tell by the picture! Crystal and Drew were home for the weekend. Kelsi is in love with both of them and had a blast having them around all weekend. We are trying to talk them into moving home. Hopefully one day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Technology is so not my thing. But thanks to my dear cousin way out in CA I am going to try to keep everyone posted on our crazy but wonderful life. Kelsi seems to be the highlight of just about everything these days. Her carefree spirit is so contagious. I hope to have pictures on here soon for everyone to see.